

21650711829_f576b184b2_kSCHOLARSHIP for the GLOBART ACADEMY 2016 

The Austrian Think Tank GLOBART grants many scholarships for the GLOBART Academy in September! One scholarship encompasses the participation fees for the entire Academy as well as free accommodation and catering costs for four days in Krems an der Donau.

The scholarship are especially designed for pupils, students, military- and civil servants and Young Professionals who are interested in social, technological, socio-political, environmental and educational themes while having fresh perspectives and willing to contribute with creative inputs.

Besides speeches, workshops and exhibitions, exciting dancing performances and concerts will create a unique and interdisciplinary cultural program. The theme of this year’s Academy is as follows: “Wirklichkeit(en) (Realities). How not be ignorant about the world.” We are living in a phase of upheaval. The society is constantly shifting, either through digitalization, refugee waves, 4.0 technologies or climate change. In such a period of upheaval, it is inevitable that a lot moves in the wrong direction, but this should not scare us! We are living in exciting times! Throughout the GLOBART ACADEMY we want to react to these current realities and not escape into the future.

The scholarship wants to enable the exchange between young people, impetus generators and visionaries, including for instance the director Michael Haneketrend researcher Harry Gatterer, historian and author Philipp Blom, business information specialist Sarah Spiekermann , economist Stephan A. Jansen, Silvia Lindtner from the University of Michigan, social scientist Lisa Herzog, philosopher Michael Madary  and Digital-Privacy expert Aral Balkan.

In order to apply, please send following documentation as PDF E-Mail Attachments until 30th of August  2016 at

-Curriculum Vitae
-Motivation Letter

Please don’t forget your name, complete postal address, date of birth, telephone number as well as E-Mail address!



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