IV. Quiet order Yoga

Led by Rafael Ebner

Yin Yoga is a gentle, quiet and at the same time profound approach to Yoga. The intention of this practice is to specifically address deeper layers of the body by sustained, low intensity stretches in uncomplicated Yoga asanas. We will be using comparatively long holding times (3 to 5 minutes) to allow the body to find its own individual way into the postures, thus providing beneficial stimulation for the connective tissues underneath our muscular costume, and a sense of inner stillness.

The gentle approach of Yin Yoga can be deceptive. This practice goes quite deep, and is not suitable if you have injuries.
Please (as always advised) consult your trusted medical practitioner before joining the practice.
Beginners will have an easier time if props are used for support. So, please bring along your meditation cushion and a blanket for this purpose.