Hölbling Saskia

Saskia Hölbling (1971, Vienna) is an Austrian dancer and choreograph. Since 2002 she investigates diverse displays of the body and the ways they revoke linear interpretations. 1995 she founded the Ensembles DANS.KIAS, for which she already created over 30 performances. She has created numerous designs and worked together with different initiativessuch as Tanzquartier Wien, Wiener Taschenoper, Wiener Konzerthaus and many more. For her work “Do your desires still burn” she was awarded in 2000 the “Prix d´auteur du Conseil Général de Seine-Saint-Denis/Bagnolet” and for “other feature” in 2002 the “Austrian Danceproduction Award”. In her recent work “Da-nach”, she is describing a world in between Dystopia and Utopia.