2009 Hannah Rieger – Collected Art from Gugging

June 7 – 15, 2009
Cloister of the monastery Pernegg


For Hannah Rieger the impulse for the development of a private collection was an exhibition by Johann Hauser and Oswald Tschirtner in 1980, and following a family tradition, Rieger has continuously expanded her collection ever since. She considers collecting Art Brut as “a project of passion rather than reason.” The examination of this kind of art as well as the encounters with Art Brut artists both present a major enrichment and joy to her life. An exclusive selection of her collection was for the first time presented in Pernegg: Laila Bachtiar, Johann Fischer, Johann Hauser, Franz Kamlander, Franz Kernbeis, Fritz Koller, Johann Korec, Arnold Schmidt, Oswald Tschirtner und August Walla.

Curator: Nina Katschnig

© Privatstiftung - Künstler aus Gugging

Johann Hauser, Geburtstagskarte, © Privatstiftung Künstler aus Gugging