Habison Peter

Studied Physics at the University of Technology in Vienna (Austria), Astronomy and the History of Sciences at the University of Vienna (Austria). 1995-2011 director of the Kuffner Observatory. 2000-2011 director of the Vienna Planetarium and the Urania Observatory in Vienna (Austria). Since 2009 he is directing the European Southern Observatory Network for Science Communication and Outreach in Austria and collaborates in national and international projects with ASA, ESA, NASA and the Austrian broadcasting cooperation. International studies and work experiences brought him to the University of Innsbruck, Université Libre at Brussels (Belgium) and the Instituto Astrofisica de Canarias at Tenerife (Spain). Member of the Österreichische Physikalische Gesellschaft, Astronomische Gesellschaft, International Academy of Astronautics, Gesellschaft deutschsprachiger Planetarien and the Gesellschaft Österreichischer Planetarien.
