Programme GLOBART TALK 2016





17.30+++++++GET-TOGETHER in the “Schauraum Österreich der WITTMANN MOEBELWERKSTAETTEN”
+++++++++++++Akademiehof bei der Secession
+++++++++++++A-1010 Wien, Friedrichstraße 10


Admission starts 18.30


19.00++++++ GLOBART TALK in the Secession
+++++++++++++Vereinigung bildender KünstlerInnen Wiener Seession
+++++++++++++A-1010 Wien, Friedrichstraße 12


Welcome +Wilfried Stadler, GLOBART


+++++Art can change the world – (Ex)Changing Perspectives
+++++Host: Martin Fritz, curator and publicist

+++++Two plus Two TALK with

+++++Danae Stratou, Greek visual and installation artist and professor, represented Greece in 2001 in the first Valencia Biennale, founder of the non-profit organisation
++++++ Vital Space which is based upon the principle that artworks can change the world for the better
+++++++Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Director of the MAK, initiator of the first Vienna Biennale “Ideas for Change”


+++++Tomáš Sedláček, economist, author, professor at the Charles-University of Prague, chief macroeconomist of the biggest Czech bank and member of the World Economy
+++++++Forum’s ethics council
+++++++Oliver Tanzer, author and editor-in-chief of the weekly journal Die Furche

